“The Word of God says that judgment will come upon the world as it had in the time of Noah.”
Pastor Apollo Quiboloy
COVID 19 Pandemic: Signs of the Times
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In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, people are stressed, fearful of their futures, and their lives, and asking questions: Where did this dreadful disease come from? Why is this happening? When will it stop? In their heart, they vent and wonder, “Where is God in all this?”
Pastor Apollo Quiboloy gives light to these questions. He emphasizes that just like in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the last days. It is high time that man consider God in his ways.
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The world is fighting the most virulent disease to hit humanity in the modern age – the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19). Declared a global pandemic early in March, the novel coronavirus has infected almost three million people worldwide, killed more than 200,000, and adversely affected world economies across the globe.
Authorities call it the “invisible enemy” that has defied even the wealthiest and most powerful nations of the world. It has leveled the rich and poor and rendered scientific knowledge ineffective as it continues to evade a vaccine and cure.
People are stressed, fearful of their futures and their lives, and asking questions: Where did this dreadful disease come from? Why is this happening? When will it stop? In their heart, they vent and wonder, “Where is God in all this?”
For 15 years, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy, the Appointed Son of God, has adamantly and vehemently told the world through every media avenue possible, that the Day of the Lord is already here. It is no longer the day of man. This means that man can no longer do what he wants. Now God’s Will be done and man can do nothing to stop it.
“The Coronavirus is the Will of God,” says Pastor Apollo. “It is the Angel of Death.”
In the opening episode of his new program “Ito ang Buhay” (This is Life), Pastor Apollo presented the spiritual parallel of the current COVID 19 pandemic as the Angel of Death, who swept over Egypt in the time of Moses, killing every firstborn in every Egyptian household, including Pharoah’s son.
Today, the virus is sweeping the earth, and people from every level of life are dying by the thousands every day, discriminating no one as God’s cup of wrath runs over.
“This is the day of reckoning,” says the Pastor. “The Word of God says that judgment will come upon the world as it had in the time of Noah when God flooded the earth.”
He quotes Matthew 24:37-29, which says:
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
“History repeats itself,” pronounced Pastor. “Look at the parallel in the days of Noah and our days today. People are going about their way – eating, drinking, marrying – doing their own will without consideration for the Will of God. People and nations have forgotten God and have failed to remember that we are all accountable to our Creator.”
Genesis 6:5 tells us,
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:11-13 says,
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
“It may not come in the form of a flood,” proclaimed Pastor, “but it has come now in the form of a virus that is going to engulf humanity if we fail to repent.”
It is Not Too Late if Humanity will Repent
But Pastor Apollo shows a way out. How will the world overcome this crisis?
“It is not too late,” he said. “If humanity repents, the COVID 19 will stop.”
In Acts 17:30-31, Pastor Apollo quotes:
30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent:
31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
“It is now time for us to go back to God, to be serious in our relationship with Him because we don’t know when the Angel of Death will visit us in the form of COVID 19. We don’t know the day, we don’t know the hour,” asserted the Son. “It may come to you unexpectedly and you don’t know what will happen after that.”
He assured the repented sons and daughters of the Father, Kingdom citizens, to have no fear, because the Angel of Death will pass their door, as it had passed the doors of the Israelites in Egypt. “The COVID 19 is not for you,” he stressed.
He proclaimed that the Kingdom Nation of the Father here on earth is God’s only Goshen today – the only place of safety while God pours his wrath upon the earth.
He had cast the 10 plagues against Egypt and Pharaoh for the hardness of their heart but protected the Israelites, likewise, He is protecting His chosen people today.
Pastor Apollo thanked the Almighty Father that the Kingdom Nation has remained untouched by the plague scouring the nations of the world.
To the unrepented, he pressed the urgency to ask God for forgiveness, to fall on their knees and pray. “Let us acknowledge that without God we can do nothing. Repentance is the only way for COVID 19 to stop,” he said.
Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy is an international television evangelist with a following of over 7 million worldwide.
Since he began his ministry in 1985, the message he has brought to the world remains unchanged. His message centers upon the single point of genuine repentance as the only way to salvation in these last days.
By repentance, he means completely turning back from following one own will which dictates what we do and want to do, and instead to do what God wants in our lives.
Repentance, he says, begins by saying a promise, “Father, from now on, not my will be done but Your Will be done in my life.” Then and only then, will change happen from within.